You can make money with Shared Hosting

Sell directly to your own , set your own prices and package specifications and keep all the profit!

  • 1'st Plan


    Per Year

    order today

    1GB Disk Space

    5GB Monthly Bandwidth

    Domain Limit 1

    MySQL Databases 1

  • 2'nd Plan


    Per Year

    order today

    Disk Space Unlimited

    Bandwidth Unlimited

    Domain Limit 100

    Databases Unlimited

  • 3'rd Plan


    Per Year

    order today

    Disk Space Unlimited

    Bandwidth Unlimited

    Domain Limit 200

    Databases Unlimited

  • 4'th Plan


    Per Year

    order today

    Disk Space Unlimited

    Bandwidth Unlimited

    Domain Limit Unlimited

    Databases Unlimited

Why Shared Hosting

Shared hosting is a type of web hosting where a single physical server hosts multiple sites. Many users utilize the resources on a single server, which keeps the costs low. Users each get a section of a server in which they can host their website files.

  • Scalable

    Our new server deployment times varies at around 10 minutes. We have a fully automated bootstrap process.

  • Data

    All data on servers is protected by multiple levels of fail-safes, RAID-10, daily or weekly backups.

  • High

    All our DCs have dual uplinks with multiple ISPs. We protect our customers from DDoS attacks on multiple layers.

  • Supported
    & Fully Managed

    We ensure that servers and all infrastructure is running, all packages are up to date.

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